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Stepping Out Of Your Comfort Zone. Isn't Easy, But Worth it.
For a long time, I have had this quote hanging on my desk. The quote says "Until you spread your wings you have no idea how far you can...

Finding Your Calling Through What You Enjoy
What makes you happy? What do you find yourself spending most of your time doing? What has God laid on your heart? What do you find...

Some Of My Favorite Youtube channels I Go To For Encouragement
In this post I want to name some of my favorite youtube channels I like to go to when I need encouragement. 1. Coffee And Bible Time This...

Don't Label Me
Hi guys! So today I have a story to share with you and something that happened with my Mom and I at the store. We were checking out our...

Your A Working Progress
Philippians 4:11 " I am not saying this because I am in need, for I have learned to be content with whatever situation I have" Are you in...

Joy Through Trials
Do you ever wonder why bad things happen? I know there have been times when I wonder that. When I see bad things that are happening on...

Chase Your Dreams
Everyone has a dream. Have you ever asked someone with a disability what their dreams are? You might be surprised. In fact, you might...

A Dream Come True
Have you ever been on your dream trip or to a dream place? How did you feel? Where did you go? And what were your thoughts? Were you...

God Enables The Disabled
Just because those of us who have a disability or may be in a wheelchair doesn't mean that we can't do something that we put our minds...

Me and Mandisa
Earlier this month I was not planning on doing anything but as life is full of surprises I received two tickets to the Mandisa and...

Songs For Encouragement
Here are some songs I want to share with you guys for times of encouragement here are some of my favorite songs... Oceans by Hillsong- If...

God Stretching Faith
Starting a new job, starting at a new school, starting a new youth group, starting a new class... When you try new things like this......

God Rejoices Over Us With Singing
“How great is the love the Father has lavished on us, that we should be called children of God!” 1 John 3:1 “Greater love has no one...

A Little Bit Of Coffee, A Whole Lot Of Jesus
My favorite kind of day is this: getting dropped off at either Bigby or Starbucks and bringing my lap top and working on writing for my...
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