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What Easter Means To Me
Easter, I would say, is a pretty big holiday for those of us who follow Jesus throughout our lives. For me, Easter is also one of my...

The #1 Questions I am asked About My Disability
When I tell people about my disability, 22q Deletion Syndrome, the first question they ask is "What is that?" So many people have not...

Who Do You Dare To Be?
This is a picture of one of my really good friend and I at the Dare to be woman's conference with Natalie Grant and speaker Charlotte...

My Top 6 Stress Relievers
I think through out life we all tend to get stressed out by all the things that are going on in life. We try to find ways to reduce any...

The importance of good, Godly friendships
I have noticed through out my journey it is important to have friends who understand you and know what you are going through and that...

Staying positive, despite your disability
Some people might have a hard time accepting the fact that they have a disability. I know because I used too also. But we eventually have...

Jesus In The Glass Mirror
Jesus' radiant love shines bright. As we stride through life's deep events, we tend to wonder if people see Jesus in us. We stride day by...

Waiting for the right person God has for you
I have been learning in my life that waiting for the guy or girl God has for you is really important. And to not just to give your heart...

Faith and Invisible Disabilities
One of my goals is to bring more awareness for people with invisible disabilities, plus, our faith in God along with it. I desire for...

How God (and changing my diet) Saved My Life
I was sick a LOT through out when I was young and mostly until high school. I was diagnosed with 22q Deletion Syndrome otherwise known as...

Reach Out To Jesus
Do you know the story of the woman in Luke 8:43-8 who was bleeding for 12 years and spent most of her life with physicians trying to find...

Stand At His Door And Knock
"So I say to you: Ask and it shall be given to you; seek and you shall find; knock and the door will be opened to you" Luke 11:9 I will...

Loving yourself. Imperfections and all.
I used to be embarrassed and ashamed about my disability. I did not like to talk to people about it at all. I wasn't interested in...

When you're afraid, take courage.
Have you heard of the story of Mary and Joseph when the angel of the Lord appeared to her and told her she was going to have a son named...
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