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Stand At His Door And Knock

"So I say to you: Ask and it shall be given to you; seek and you shall find; knock and the door will be opened to you" Luke 11:9

I will be breaking down this verse. If you really look at this verse and study it, it tells the exact instructions on how to pray. I have been learning and teaching myself a lot about prayer lately. At a church service one time there was a pastor talking about prayer and he put it in a great way that really seemed to change my perspective on prayer. I did and I do pray but it wasn't always something that came completely natural to me. Prayer is a really disciplined part of the christian walk. But then again prayer is supposed to be easy because it is just talking to God right? There is another verse that always helps me remember to be confident into going confidently to the throne of God in prayer "Let us then approach the throne of grace in confidence, so that we may receive mercy and find grace in the time of need" Hebrews 4:6 So we can approach God's throne with confidence in prayer knowing that he will hear us and answer us in his timing. At times in my life because I am the kind of person who likes to do things a lot and have a hard time sitting down and just being still in prayer. For a tip if you have a hard time like I do sometimes I like to fidget with something or if I am going on a long walk then I like to talk to God and clear my mind. So if you have a hard time sitting still in prayer like I do sometimes. Do something while you're praying that won't cause too much distraction but will get you to clear your mind like on a long walk or in the car.

First this verse talks about "Ask and it shall be given to you" so if you don't have something that you wish you could have but don't have it and you think it will line up with God's will in your life "You have not because you ask not". But I remember hearing this saying

"God is not a genie in a bottle" so he is not a wish granter and doesn't give you everything you want or desire, but he gives you what he knows you need and that will help you along your journey. Then there is

"Seek and you shall find" Once you ask God for something in prayer what this says to me is that you continue on seeking what your asking and talking to God about. You continue on asking him and not give up. Be persistent in prayer. For example, my biggest dream was to go to Jerusalem where Jesus walked. I knew I probably could never go but I always kept asking and asking God if I could go because that was one of my hearts biggest desires. One day my friend nominated me for a free scholarship to go on a Heart of God tour to Egypt, Israel and Jerusalem which was even better than I asked God for. So the reason why I think this prayer got answered was because I kept asking God and kept seeking and believing someday I would go on this trip, but of course didn't know how. I still thank God to this day that I got to go!

"Knock and the door will be opened to you" keep knocking on that door (prayer) to come through for it that blessing or answer to come to you. Keep asking and trusting until you receive. God is your Father and he desires to give you what you want but if you're not trusting him to give it to you at the right time he may not give it to you right away.

"Here I am! I stand at the door and knock, if anyone hears my voice and opens the door, I will come in and eat with that person, and they with me" Revelation 3:20


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