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Who Do You Dare To Be?

This is a picture of one of my really good friend and I at the Dare to be woman's conference with Natalie Grant and speaker Charlotte Gambill. This night was great for us. In this conference they talked about how important it is to let your light shine that God has given us and to dare to be who God has called us to be. It was a really important message because those of us who are God's children tend to hide our light because we are afraid of what others might think. We are not so sure about letting our love for God show especially in this century, because we are afraid of getting ridiculed and persecuted and put down. We also fear that not everyone is always going to agree with us.

But God says

"In the same way, let your light shine before others, that they may see your good deeds and glorify your Father in heaven" Matthew 5:16

God even says to let your light shine so that it may glorify God in heaven. God has given us each a special and unique light and if we feel God has put a light in each one of us we should not hide that light. Of course, before we let that light shine even more God will want to work on us and heal anything in us that might have really hurt us before but then that hurt that we felt before will turn into a passion. Our light was meant to shine in this dark world.


God has called some of us to shine and has given us a special purpose. We choose what we do with it. Some people will like that side of you and others might not. But we will get to a point eventually where we won't really care what people think because we will know what we're doing is for God. Some people might get jealous of the place where God has put you and might not think that you can do it but that won't matter because "If God is for us, who can be against us" Romans 8:31. If God gave you the task and said you have to do it, He will help you through it. "Arise, for it is your task, and we are with you; be strong and do it" Ezra 10:4

Charlotte also talked about how God will send us the spiritual friends that we need to help us to get where we need to be. Even though we might not understand why God has put these friends in our path because they might be completely different than us but God knows what we need. When we think about shining for God they will be right there with us, cheering us on.

So basically the conference was talking about daring to be who God has called YOU to be. For me I dare to be who God has called me to be and everything that he has created me for even if some people might not like it or criticize it because I can't hide it anymore. That is being a writer and sharing my faith and how God has helped me and changed my life. I love God with such a passion and I want to share it not just keep it to myself.

Who do you dare to be?


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