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What Easter Means To Me

Easter, I would say, is a pretty big holiday for those of us who follow Jesus throughout our lives. For me, Easter is also one of my favorite holidays as well because it celebrates our saviors dying on the cross for us and then 3 days later rising from the dead all to save us from our sins. It is truly an amazing story when you can picture it. There are some movies about it, but when you really try and picture it in your mind the whole story can just blow you away. What do you like to do to celebrate Easter? For me I love to go to church and then spending time with family and possibly sometimes cousins and also just discussing the holiday with people and what it means to us.

First, before Jesus could be raised from the dead, he had to do one of the hardest things in history by being beaten for our sake and crucified in order to save us from our sins and this sinful world. When Jesus he came near to the time of being arrested he, just like all of us would be, was terrified. The night before he was to be taken by the pharisees he went out by himself to pray "My Father, if it be possible, let this cup pass from me; nevertheless, not as I will, but your will be done" (Matthew 26:36-44). So when this happened even though Jesus was terrified of what was to come he prayed "Your will be done Lord, not mine"

This story just shows that even though Jesus was scared and anxious to the point of sweating blood when he prayed, he wanted to do what was God's plan because he loves us so much. Nothing on this earth could stop him from doing God's will, not even Satan himself who also tempted him to try and stop God's plan from being played out. After Jesus was crucified on the cross Jesus cried out his last few words which were "It is finished" (John 19:30) and then he bowed his head and gave up his spirit. What I am trying to say is even if you are scared to do the will of God no matter how scared you are, do it. We can do it. If Jesus did God's will by dying on the cross for us, it was completely worth it because then he rose from the dead and people began to spread the good news that Jesus is alive. Praise the King of Kings and Lord of Lords who died for us and is alive today. Let's take Jesus' example and do God's will..even if we are afraid!

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