Do you know the song overcomer by Mandisa?
"You're an overcomer Staying in fight to the final round Your not going under Cause God is holding you right now You might be down for a moment Feeling like it's hopeless That's when He reminds you You're an overcomer"

This is how I felt at the Speak Up Conference 2017. Years ago I never would have been able to go to an event like this. Because of anxiety and some of the stuff I struggle with my disability, 22q Deletion Syndrome, which is what I write about on my blog. But I felt God was calling me to do this and when I went I had the most amazing experience. I met so many wonderful people there at the conference who are seeking to either write or be a speaker.
My favorite things about #SpeakUp2017 were the classes, especially the "Better Journaling" by Linda Neff, that taught me tricks about journaling to spark creative writing.... which I love journaling. The journaling class taught me when you have quiet time to journal.
The teacher taught us different techniques to use when journaling. Another was "The Right Word or Almost the Right Word" this class taught me how to be careful to use the right words and the importance in what to write.
Here is a quote that stuck out to me at the conference
"Jesus hasn't led us to this place to make our dreams come true. Our dreams, as the disciples, are too small. We are here to fulfill GOD'S dream- that we will bring HIM glory through a remarkably abundant life" by Bruce Wilkinson from his book Secrets of the Vine.
There were quite a few times where I was struggling with anxiety. I also get tired easily going to big events like this. But knowing that I love to write, I pushed myself and while I was there God opened many wonderful doors and opportunities there for me more than I could imagine. I learned so many things about writing that I am very thankful about. This conference made me realize even more how much I want to be a published writer and maybe one day have my own ministry. I was only able to do this conference because "I can do all things through Christ who strenghtens me" Phillipians 4:13