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All Plans Work Together For Good

I have always loved this verse. I have defintiley seen this happen in my life. Have you seen it happen in your life? If you love God and live your life for Him we can see that no matter what circumstances we are in, God always works out everything for our good even if we don't see it at the time,

The first person I am going to use of course because he is my all time favorite author/speaker.

Nick Vujcic: This man went through quite a few hard times in his life. For one, he was born without arms or legs. He questioned God why he was born this way. He went through a lot of trying to find himself and figuring out who he was and what his purpose was. Life for Nick was not always easy. But then when his relationship with God grew he found joy and found purpose and is now living his life for God and is as happy as can be. This is the first example of how God works out everything for those who love God.

Joni Eareckson Tada; Joni who is another one of my favorite speakers/authors has an amazing story as well. She had an accident where she did a dive in a lake and after her dive she became paralyzed;. After that she was rushed to the emergency room and the doctors said she is now quadriplegic. She also couldn't move her hands and couldn't walk anymore. She questioned why she even had to be saved from the water in the first place because she thought "What is the point to life now?" She became depressed. But eventually she found an answer from God she found the verse Jeremiah 29:11 "For I know the plans I have for you delcares the Lord, plans to prosper you and not to harm you; plans to give you a hope and a future" So she found her purpose and worth in God and and is now living her life to it's fullest

Joyce Meyer: As most of you know Joyce is a published writer and speaker. She has been preaching for a long time. But she hasn't always had an easy life. Joyce Meyer grew up being abused and molested by her Father. She was angry and always had negative thoughts. But eventually she found God and He changed her life and Joyce found her passion/calling for being a preacher and published Christian writer. God uses Joyce in many wonderful ways and people can tell her love of God she has now forgiven her Father and the past and looking towards her hope in Jesus.

Even for me I was diagnosed with 22q Deletion Syndrome at 10 didn't know what my purpose was and while I was really sick most of my life I asked God "What is the purpose for this sickness and disability?" But eventually as I grew closer to God and we found a cure for me to feel better God has been using my story and disability to help encourage other people with disabilities to help them along their journey and to be an encouragment to them

A couple of these are examples of how God helps people who are hurt and in pain and helps them to find hope and a great future with God. Here are some example verses...

"I will not cause pain without allowing something new to be reborn" Isaiah 66:9

"For the more ewe suffer for Christ, the more God will shower us with His comfort through Christ. Even when we are weighed down with troubles, it is for you comfort and salvation. For when we ourselves are comforted, we will certainly comfort you. Then you can patiently endure the same things we suffer. We are confident that as you share in our sufferings, you will also share in the comfort God gives us." 2 Corinthians 1:5-6

So as you can tell from the stories that I shared up above bad things don't happen for no reason. Although, I know most of us do wish bad things didn't happen. But that's not what our world is like, unfortunelty. You can also tell from the stories up above that God uses our hurt and pain to show us His goodness and love. God also uses our hurt and pain to mend us into the person that He wants us to be and when we realize that God loves us and can help us we will also encourage others along the way and we can see how God helped us through our hurt. So if you are feeling hurt right now by whatever circumstance you may be going through or have gone through... don't give up. There is hope and answers out there if you just look a little deeper. There is a love out there that can change your life... just like it has for mine.


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