Sometimes when you have a disability you can feel different from other people, and maybe others can see that you are different and might treat you differently then everyone else. From what I have learned throughout having my disability especially in the past it can be hard to gain respect from other people because they know that you are different. I have had moments in my life in the past when I was at school where I was misunderstood and people looked down on me because I was different than them. Like for example, sometimes it was hard for me to make friends, or have other people to sit by at lunch.
When you can tell other people treat you differently than those that are normal it can hurt. But I believe that we can do something about it. Once I got to know myself more and became more comfortable with myself and knew who I am in Christ the more my confidence showed and I feel other people could see that confidence in me. When you feel other people may be looking down on you because of your differences maybe instead of having people see that side of us we can show them the type of person we really are. Show them your kindness, show them your strengths what you are good at because we need more kind people in this world. "Do to others as you would want done to you" If you're feeling down take the time to encourage someone and lift them up. For example, if your friend is maybe different than you or other people and if they're being maybe put down at school or bullied stand up for them because wouldn't you want that friend to do the same to you? You could write someone a note of encouragement who might be going through something hard or might be feeling lonely and be that person you would want them to be to you.
The world might look on the outside and see our flaws and our weakness or differences but God looks into our hearts and sees who we really are when other people can't see it. I don't know about you but that encourages me. We may not always be what people want us to be or be liked by all people. But if we just show them our kindness and be kind to them who knows maybe we can change their minds by how we act to others. Sometimes for me when I'm interacting with someone or a group of people I like to feel like I'm important or liked even if I'm not always good at interacting in a group conversation. It's important to me when people look you in the eyes because it makes you feel like you're actually there and that they're interested in you and it's respectful.

So we should stop worrying about what other people might think of you and just start enjoying life. We were all created equally with a special purpose. Go out there and show kindness and be fearless and be who God created you to be, We are all special and different in our own way.