:Do you not know that your bodies are temples of the Holy Spirit, who is in you, whom you have received from God? You are not your own;"1 Corinthians 6:19
The verse up above is a good way to start out this post. It's important to remind yourself how important it is to keep your body healthy and to sticking with eating healthy foods and keeping up with working out or some sort of stretches for your body. Even if it's just walking,
Recently I was inspired to get myself healthy again and eat better foods. I really want to get in good shape, especially before summer comes lol.

What is something that can help inspire you to keep your body healthy and eating the right foods and exercising properly to help you feel good about yourself? For me it was going to Florida and being around a tropical climate and it reminded me how much I want to keep myself healthy. Another thing to remind us to want us to keep ourselves healthy is to remember the verse I shared up above "Do you not know that your body is the temple of the Holy spirit? You are not your own" So with saying that because the Holy spirit lives in our body and we are the temple of God we would want to keep our bodies strong and healthy. So with everything happening in our world right now with Covid and people getting sick it is easy to get caught up in all that and is easy to forget to take care of our bodies. This is a reminder for you to look at yourself, see how you've been caring for yourself lately and get back up on your feet and be the best version of yourself you can be .